Agricultural Communicators and Leaders of Tomorrow
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We aim to enhance your leadership and communication skills, and help you network with students like you and professionals through our activities.

Network with professionals

Industry tours
Tour organizations and companies and find out what professionals in ag comm and ag leadership are facing today in the real world

Guest speakers
"Talk shop" with professionals in various specializations such as, photographers, event planners, editors, University administration/leaders, and journalists

National ACT conference
Attend our national conference held annually with the Agricultural Media Summit. Spend at least four days with ag comm students from across the nation, professionals in a variety of careers, and industry recruiters.

Develop professionally

Marketing campaigns for real clients
Create marketing materials for various events to add to your personal portfolio and gain experience promoting events

Event planning
Help plan events for the club, department, College of Ag and Life Sciences, and the University

Officer positions
Develop your leadership and management skills by becoming an officer

Get recognized for your work
Submit your work to the National ACT Critique and Contest and it will be critiqued by professionals in the field. Compete with hundreds of other students in the field to win national recognition for your work.

Socialize with students like you

From cookouts to holiday dinners to a night on the town, we like to eat and share laughs around the dinner table just as much as the next student organization

Participate in team sports to develop comrade amongst members and team-building skills

Movie nights
Spend a night away from schoolwork and enjoy a good movie, snacks, and good conversation

Get involved in our community

Ronald McDonald House Charities
Every year we do something nice for the families in our Gainesville Ronald McDonald House. In past years we've done item drives, cooked meals for the families, and made Easter baskets for the children.



For information on all upcoming events and activities, please visit our FACEBOOK page.

Copyright © 2007 Agricultural Communicators and Leaders of Tomorrow